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Membership milestones and awards
Membership milestones and awards recognized at our October 21st meeting Notable milestones in years of membership achieved this past fiscal year (2019-2020). Member Join Date Membership Milestone Bernie BOARNET 01-Apr-70…
Two Members awarded Melvin Jones Fellowship
During our annual Awards and Installation Banquet in June, Melvin Jones Fellowship awards to Lion Joe Vasquez and Lion Glenn Herman were announced. Once the official award packages arrived, these were presented at club meetings to Joe and Glenn.
Landscape Maintenance at Headwaters at the Comal
On Saturday morning, 6 May, club members and family volunteers met for a service project at the Headwaters at the Comal River facilities. The club donated a bench that was placed along a trail and performed maintenance along the trails and other areas. Before the work was started, members and volunteers were given a tour…
LCI Life Membership Award
Lion Esther Boarnet was presented with the certificate for her recently awarded LCI Life Membership at our 3 August 2022 club meeting.
Club Member Achieves 50 year Membership Award
Lion Bob Peterson achieved a milestone of 50 years of Lions Club membership this year (2023-2024 Lions year).