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The New Braunfels Evening Lions Club received the 2012 E.P. “Pete” Nowotny Award for Civic Organization of the Year.
The award began in 1936, when the New Braunfels Jaycees, under the leadership of Pete Nowotny, successfully negotiated the sale of Landa Park to the City of New Braunfels. The New Braunfels Jay-cees and Mr. Nowotny were responsible for turning out the vote in order to pass a bond that funded the park purchase. In…
Gazebo at Heritage Society of New Braunfels
Several members met at the grounds of the Heritage Society of New Braunfels on Saturday morning, 24 October 2020, to assemble and construct a gazebo. Approximately 26 Lions hours were spent completing this service project.
Support of Kindermasken Parade 2024
The Kindermasken Parade and Ball events were held 11 May 2024 at the New Braunfels Heritage Society grounds. This event is one of the oldest traditions in New Braunfels. Hermann Seele, one of the city’s first teachers, founded this costumed parade for school children in 1856. He wanted to establish a May Day celebration for…
Projects at EdenHill Communities
On Saturday June 30th we assembled and installed a gazebo in front of the Rehabilitation Center at EdenHill Communities. We also helped to develop a Butterfly Garden at EdenHill. That part of project was worked on June 23rd to install a crushed granite walkway and July 7th to plant native plants. …
Peace Poster Contest
Each year Lions Club International holds a contest to promote peace in our world. Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest. Entries begin at the local club and progress to the district, multiple district, and finally at the international level. The theme…
Event Calendar FY 2017-2018
NBEL_event calendar_2017-2018