ALL ABILITIES RESOURCE FAIR and Donation to Lions Camp

On a beautiful spring day, April 23, 2016, in Landa Park, New Braunfels Parks department partnered with Oakwood Baptist Church to put on an “ALL ABILITIES RESOURCE FAIR” which allowed different groups to showcase offerings for children with special needs. It gave parents and kids the opportunity to visit and get information at more than 20 booths, participate in games and activities, and get a free hotdog and chips. The New Braunfels Evening Lions Club sponsored a booth in support of our beloved Texas Lions Camp. We provided information including handouts about TLC to parents, and made several community contacts to be able to form future partnerships to sponsor more campers.



Our Club TLC liaison Lion Glenn Herman, a booth visitor, Lion Chelsea Elliot (Texas Lions Camp Director), and Lion Clint Herman.

Lion Glenn’s daughter has been a camper for the last 6 years and will graduate this year.

In addition, the New Braunfels Evening Lions Camp also made a donation of $5500 to support the purchase of 105 new cots for all of the out bound campsites at TLC.


AllAbilitiesFair_p2                    President Lion Grey Baker, Lion Chelsea, and Lion Glenn Herman.


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