Awards and Installation Banquet 2023

Our Awards and Installation Banquet, our last club meeting of the 2022-23 Lions year, was held on 21 June 2023 at the historic Solms School building in the New Braunfels Heritage Society Village.   

District Governor Brandon Mund installs Lion Joe Vasquez to the office of Club President for Lions year 2023-2024.


President Clint Herman presents Lions Wendy and Paul Drush with the Lion of the Year awards.


President Clint Herman awards Lion David Duhon for his outstanding contributions and service as Lion Tamer.


President Clint Herman recognizes Lion Bob Oldham for his outstanding contributions and service as Tail Twister.


President Elect Joe Vasquez gives his outlook for the coming year to President Clint Herman and others Lions attending the banquet.



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