Texas Lions Camp Awards Night August 7, 2015
On 16 July Lion Stew Rayfield came upon an accident with a car pinned under an 18 wheeler on I-35. Until EMS units arrived, Stew attempted to get the driver of the car out of the wreckage and save his life. Unfortunately, the man did not survive the accident. A few days before the…
The club held its annual Installation and Awards banquet on June 17th. 2015-2016 Year Officers PRESIDENT Grey Baker 1st V. P. Skip Nolte 2nd V P Lynn Lindsay 3rd V P Thomas Matschek Secretary Bob Miller Treasurer Jeff Kunkel Tail Twister Bob Peterson Lion…
20 May 2015 Annual Club Picnic in Landa Park The charitable organizations and groups that New Braunfels Evening Lions Club has supported this fiscal year were invited to be our guests at our annual club picnic and celebrate their successes. …
2015 District 2_S3 Convention held in New Braunfels May 1 and 2 Members help with the setup for the cabinet meeting and the convention Lions Betty Schilling, coordinator of the convention steering committees, volunteer Peggy Rheinlaender, and Lillian McCown by one the decorated tables. Lions Herold McCown, Bobbie Hasert, and Larry Kunkel…