Donation to the Puppy Playland Park

Donation to the Puppy Playland Park

On behalf of New Braunfels Puppy Playland park, Brooke Heithoff accepts a check for $1760.45  from Lion Jeff Kunkel.    Our donation was for the support that these park volunteers gave to our parking lot project at Wurstfest. From left to right: Bart Gamblin, the Kunkel men, Brooke Heithoff, Rosemary Melody, Claudia Trevino Dogs include: Rudy (current Mayor of…

District 2-S3 MidWinter Conference

LIONS District 2-S3 ~ Mid-Winter Conference ~ January 17, 2015 Sue reported: This was a great enthusiastic, informational, FUN meeting.  Speakers were super — the entire group participated in fun exercises designed to assist clubs in future exercises. Betty gave a report on status of upcoming District Convention to be held  in NB.  Jack Hicks…

District 2-S3 Newsletter

For news about our club, see page 5, TLC scholarship honoring Lin Rose, and page 9, our project at Wurstfest,  in the December District newsletter. ___________  Select Read More below, and then select the link to the newsletter.___________________