Highlights of our February 4th meeting
35 Years Membership Award Kellie Stallings with Connections Individual & Family Services gave a great presentation on how the Lions can get involved in her program .
35 Years Membership Award Kellie Stallings with Connections Individual & Family Services gave a great presentation on how the Lions can get involved in her program .
On behalf of New Braunfels Puppy Playland park, Brooke Heithoff accepts a check for $1760.45 from Lion Jeff Kunkel. Our donation was for the support that these park volunteers gave to our parking lot project at Wurstfest. From left to right: Bart Gamblin, the Kunkel men, Brooke Heithoff, Rosemary Melody, Claudia Trevino Dogs include: Rudy (current Mayor of…
President Larry Kunkel presents money to Boy Scout Troop 119 for their help with our project at Wurstfest . Boys scouts got TWO checks, one for $880 and one for $990. Larry really surprised Lee.
LIONS District 2-S3 ~ Mid-Winter Conference ~ January 17, 2015 Sue reported: This was a great enthusiastic, informational, FUN meeting. Speakers were super — the entire group participated in fun exercises designed to assist clubs in future exercises. Betty gave a report on status of upcoming District Convention to be held in NB. Jack Hicks…
For news about our club, see page 5, TLC scholarship honoring Lin Rose, and page 9, our project at Wurstfest, in the December District newsletter. ___________ Select Read More below, and then select the link to the newsletter.___________________ http://e-district.org/userfiles/446/file/1%20Newsletter-December%202014.pdf