Wurstfest 2015
Lion Bob Hasert presents the committee report as chair on Constitution and By-Laws. The club was awarded the Membership Plus banner patch for obtaining membership growth last year. Lions Betty Schilling and Bob Hasert (pictured) accepted the award for the club.
The Fair Fund Raiser ♥ ♥ ♥ The club sponsored Julia Kunkel, daughter of Lion Jeff and Terri Kunkel, as a candidate for Comal County Fair Queen. Leos and family members help to serve customers at our food booth. Lions Jack Hicks and Harold McCown prepare orders from customers. Lion Tom Matschek…
Three of the four new members joining August 19th were recruited by Lion Carl Feltner. For meeting the re-Member goal, District Governor Mike Smith awarded Lion Feltner the District Governor’s Challenge Coin.
On 16 July Lion Stew Rayfield came upon an accident with a car pinned under an 18 wheeler on I-35. Until EMS units arrived, Stew attempted to get the driver of the car out of the wreckage and save his life. Unfortunately, the man did not survive the accident. A few days before the…