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Donation to Canine Classmates
At our 4 December club meeting, Donna Dishman of Canine Classmates organization was our guest speaker. The mission of Canine Classmates is “to encourage and improve literacy and socialization skills for struggling and at-risk Pre-K through 5th grade students through pairing mentors and trained service dogs in a one-on-one program that is positive, nurturing and…

Grants in 2017
Grants made in 2017 Grant of up to $10000 and club service hours to make some of the renovations at the Land Park miniature golf course. Grant of $1440 to sponsor 2 girls to American Legion Girls State and 2 boys to American Legion Boys State Grant of $2000 to We’re All In to participate in…

Gazebo at Heritage Society of New Braunfels
Several members met at the grounds of the Heritage Society of New Braunfels on Saturday morning, 24 October 2020, to assemble and construct a gazebo. Approximately 26 Lions hours were spent completing this service project.

Lion Stew Rayfield Exemplies ‘We Serve’
On 16 July Lion Stew Rayfield came upon an accident with a car pinned under an 18 wheeler on I-35. Until EMS units arrived, Stew attempted to get the driver of the car out of the wreckage and save his life. Unfortunately, the man did not survive the accident. A few days before the…