District 2-S3 Convention – April 2024

District 2-S3 held its annual convention April 19 and 20 in San Marcos.   One of the highlights was the formal nomination and election of our club member Lion Jeff Kunkel to become the District Governor for the upcoming Lions year 2024 – 25.   (District Governor Elect until 1 July)

District Governor Lion Stephan Fuchs ceremonially ‘Passes the Shovel’ of leadership to District Governor Elect Lion Jeff Kunkel.

Our club made a $500 donation to Leader Dogs during the convention.

NB Evening Lions, DGE Lion Jeff Kunkel, Lion Paul Drush, and Lion Wendy Drush, present our donation to Leader Dogs.

Lion Jeff Kunkel, District Governor Elect, was recognized for his leadership and awarded the International Leadership Medal, the third highest honor in Lions.

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