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2015 Installation and Awards Banquet
The club held its annual Installation and Awards banquet on June 17th. 2015-2016 Year Officers PRESIDENT Grey Baker 1st V. P. Skip Nolte 2nd V P Lynn Lindsay 3rd V P Thomas Matschek Secretary Bob Miller Treasurer Jeff Kunkel Tail Twister Bob Peterson Lion…
Support of Kindermasken Parade 2024
The Kindermasken Parade and Ball events were held 11 May 2024 at the New Braunfels Heritage Society grounds. This event is one of the oldest traditions in New Braunfels. Hermann Seele, one of the city’s first teachers, founded this costumed parade for school children in 1856. He wanted to establish a May Day celebration for…
Membership milestones and awards
Membership milestones and awards recognized at our October 21st meeting Notable milestones in years of membership achieved this past fiscal year (2019-2020). Member Join Date Membership Milestone Bernie BOARNET 01-Apr-70…
Donation to HydroAngels Over America
Club president Larry Kunkel presents a check for $502.99 to HydroAngels Over America president Sheri Burdine for their support of our parking lot project at Wurstfest. Standing next to Sheri are Lions Georgia and Mike Wells, who also devote much time serving with HydroAngels.
Two Members awarded Melvin Jones Fellowship
During our annual Awards and Installation Banquet in June, Melvin Jones Fellowship awards to Lion Joe Vasquez and Lion Glenn Herman were announced. Once the official award packages arrived, these were presented at club meetings to Joe and Glenn.