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New meeting place!
Join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month as we ROAR at the Gruene Door! Come Roar With Us The Gruene Door 2360 Gruene Lake Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130
Our Valentines Party 2015
The New Braunfels Evening Lions celebrated Valentine’s Day with a spouse night of fun, food and games, at the New Braunfels Landa Haus. Displayed were old wedding photos of members and their spouses. Lions then voted on their favorite newlyweds. Lions Michael and Georgia Wells were crowned King and Queen! Well deserved honor by this hard working…
Helping a Local Youth Deal with Diabetes
At our 4 January 2023 club meeting, celebrated with the Smith family our donation to Dog Training Elite New Braunfels. Brady Smith, a local elementary student, had developed type 1 diabetes as a result of complications from COVID19. And he been very frustrated by this change to his health and life. His mother Kimberly was…
Workday 2021 at Texas Lions Camp
9 members (Glenn, Clint, David P., Joe, Kristi, Ernesto, Bob O., Jack, Skip) participated in the camp workday on Saturday April 10 this year. Our project was to remove the old wood and install new wood on about 18 picnic tables. We completed the removal of old wood from all tables and installed new wood…
Two Members awarded Melvin Jones Fellowship
During our annual Awards and Installation Banquet in June, Melvin Jones Fellowship awards to Lion Joe Vasquez and Lion Glenn Herman were announced. Once the official award packages arrived, these were presented at club meetings to Joe and Glenn.
Installation Banquet June 2019
The new officers for the 2019 – 2020 Lions year were installed at our banquet held 19 June 2019 at the Landa Haus. The incoming officers and some committee chairs for 2019-20 are President Tim Simecek 1st VP Glenn Herman 2nd VP Clint Herman Treasurer …