Girls Bluebonnet State 2019
We are sponsoring a young lady to attend the Girls State this summer.

We are sponsoring a young lady to attend the Girls State this summer.
During our 2 March 2016 meeting, our club presented our donations to the American Legion Post 179, to the New Braunfels Little League, and to We’re All In.
President Larry Kunkel presents money to Boy Scout Troop 119 for their help with our project at Wurstfest . Boys scouts got TWO checks, one for $880 and one for $990. Larry really surprised Lee.
On 16 July Lion Stew Rayfield came upon an accident with a car pinned under an 18 wheeler on I-35. Until EMS units arrived, Stew attempted to get the driver of the car out of the wreckage and save his life. Unfortunately, the man did not survive the accident. A few days before the…
President Larry Kunkel presents a check for $550 to Mac McDonald of American Legion Post 35 in New Braunfels. This money will be used to send two boys to Boys State this summer.
Lion Esther Boarnet was presented with the certificate for her recently awarded LCI Life Membership at our 3 August 2022 club meeting.