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Awards and Installation Banquet 2024
Our club held its annual Awards and Installation Banquet on 8 June 2024 at the Emmie Seele Faust Memorial Library. Our special guest speaker was Chris Gunstream, GAT Chair Constitutional Area 1A and PDG of District MD2-S1. Chris’s wife Lion Linda was also our special guest. We were also honored with PDG Larkin Smith, District MD2-S3,…
Donation to Boy Scout Troop 119
President Larry Kunkel presented a check for $500 to Boy Scout Troop 119. Accepting for the Troop were Lynn Ogden and Rebecka Lynch. The money will be used to replace some cooking gear that the troop furnishes each patrol when they go camping, and also to purchase backpacks. The backpacks will be available for Troop 119 Scouts who could not afford…
Grants in 2017
Grants made in 2017 Grant of up to $10000 and club service hours to make some of the renovations at the Land Park miniature golf course. Grant of $1440 to sponsor 2 girls to American Legion Girls State and 2 boys to American Legion Boys State Grant of $2000 to We’re All In to participate in…
Funding Raising at the Swap Meet
April 20-22, 2018 After a one year absence, our club was back in action at the New Braunfels Swap Meet that was held on the Comal County Fairgrounds. Vendors and buyers from all over the world were in attendance to sell and search for hard to find car parts and everything else from antiques to…
District 2-S3 Convention – April 2024
District 2-S3 held its annual convention April 19 and 20 in San Marcos. One of the highlights was the formal nomination and election of our club member Lion Jeff Kunkel to become the District Governor for the upcoming Lions year 2024 – 25. (District Governor Elect until 1 July) Our club made a $500 donation…
Kindermasken Parade at Folkfest 2022
1st VP Clint Herman present our donation to Justin Ball, executive director of the Heritage Society of New Braunfels. We also provided bags of goodies to each child participating in the parade. Our group of Lions that helped with the parade on Saturday morning, 9 April 2022. The parade starts with Alex Meixner, grand marshal,…