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District 2-S3 MidWinter Conference
LIONS District 2-S3 ~ Mid-Winter Conference ~ January 17, 2015 Sue reported: This was a great enthusiastic, informational, FUN meeting. Speakers were super — the entire group participated in fun exercises designed to assist clubs in future exercises. Betty gave a report on status of upcoming District Convention to be held in NB. Jack Hicks…

Texas Lions Camp Awards Night 2017
Awards night at TLC was held 4 August 2017. New Braunfels Evening Lions Club awarded 5 scholarships in honor of 5 legacy active members to camp counselors. Our honored members are Lion Lin Rose, Lion Larry Kunkel, charter member Lion Bob Hasert, charter member Carl Feltner, charter member Lion Wib Amacher. …

Happy Birthday Wib!
In February, while Lions were dining at their new meeting place, The Gruene Door, Lion Wib Amacher was surprised with a singing quartet of lovely ladies, and a delicious birthday cake – all in honor of his 96th birthday. Wib is a wonderful, energetic role model of a Lion and a true gentleman.

Vision and Hearing Screening at Local Schools
If you want to help with the vision and hearing screening of children at the local schools this fall, here is a link to signup. The Noon club runs this community service project and welcomes Lions from other clubs that want to participate. #1 New Braunfels Lions Club – WE SERVE!: 2021 Noon Lions Vision…

Donation to Crisis Center of Comal County
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