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District Meeting – 17Oct.2015
Lion Bob Hasert presents the committee report as chair on Constitution and By-Laws. The club was awarded the Membership Plus banner patch for obtaining membership growth last year. Lions Betty Schilling and Bob Hasert (pictured) accepted the award for the club.
New Members Inducted
During his visit to our club on October 2nd, District Governor Larkin Smith inducted new members Bob Oldham and Bob Fly.
LCI Life Membership Award
Lion Esther Boarnet was presented with the certificate for her recently awarded LCI Life Membership at our 3 August 2022 club meeting.
Member to be nominated for election to 2nd Vice District Governor
Lion Jeff Kunkel has been requested by the District 2-S3 to be a candidate for the office of 2nd Vice District Governor this coming Lions year 2022-23. Jeff is eager to serve in this capacity at the district level. Our board has approved for the club to place Jeff’s name for nomination of this district…