Support to Bluebonnet Girls State 2024
This year our club is sponsoring 3 girls to attend the Bluebonnet Girls State program. They have just completed their junior year at John Paul II Catholic High School. The Girls State program will take place at Texas Lutheran University from 16 to 22 June.
On Saturday 18 May, the American Legion Auxiliary of Post 179 held a reception and orientation for all of the local girls selected to attend the Bluebonnet Girls State program and for their sponsors.
“The Girls State Program develops leadership in our young women, educates them on our system of government, instills a great sense of patriotism and Americanism, and stimulates a desire to maintain the democratic governmental processes within our republic. It also adds weight to a college application. Former Girls State Citizens have included Governor Ann Richards, Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn, and Judge Bea Ann Smith.”

We are also sponsoring Girls State Citizen Charlotte Anderson, who was unable to attend the reception and orientation.
Girls State Chairman Sandi Schendel presented our club with a certificate of appreciation and a letter to thank our club for sponsoring these three girls.