Texas Lions Camp Awards Night August 7, 2015

Membership milestones and awards recognized at our October 21st meeting Notable milestones in years of membership achieved this past fiscal year (2019-2020). Member Join Date Membership Milestone Bernie BOARNET 01-Apr-70…
At our club meeting on 17 August, our newest member Terri Kunkel was inducted as a member of Lions Club. L to R: Glenn Herman (Membership Chair), Jeff Kunkel (2nd Vice DG), Terri Kunkel, Clint Herman (President)
Awards night at TLC was held 4 August 2017. New Braunfels Evening Lions Club awarded 5 scholarships in honor of 5 legacy active members to camp counselors. Our honored members are Lion Lin Rose, Lion Larry Kunkel, charter member Lion Bob Hasert, charter member Carl Feltner, charter member Lion Wib Amacher. …
LIONS District 2-S3 ~ Mid-Winter Conference ~ January 17, 2015 Sue reported: This was a great enthusiastic, informational, FUN meeting. Speakers were super — the entire group participated in fun exercises designed to assist clubs in future exercises. Betty gave a report on status of upcoming District Convention to be held in NB. Jack Hicks…
Our club is a sponsor of the New Braunfels Youth Lacrosse organization. Two of our newer members, Cortney and Amanda Kinnan, are involved in supporting the NBYL activities with their 2 sons, Cade and Decker, on the team. The Kinnan family gave a presentation about the youth lacrosse organization at our 5 March club meeting…
Join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month as we ROAR at the Gruene Door! Come Roar With Us The Gruene Door 2360 Gruene Lake Dr New Braunfels, TX 78130