The New Braunfels Evening Lions Club received the 2012 E.P. “Pete” Nowotny Award for Civic Organization of the Year.

pavillionThe award began in 1936, when the New Braunfels Jaycees, under the leadership of Pete Nowotny, successfully negotiated the sale of Landa Park to the City of New Braunfels. The New Braunfels Jay-cees and Mr. Nowotny were responsible for turning out the vote in order to pass a bond that funded the park purchase. In recognition of the efforts of this early service organization, this award recognizes a civic group who gave for the betterment of the New Braunfels Parks system.

Each year the New Braunfels Evening Lions Club selects a hands-on service project to improve our community, this year the club completed the re-decking of pavilion #16 in Landa Park. Mr. Bob Hasert and Mr. Harry Botkin were both accommodating as we worked through schedule changes and unexpected chal-lenges on this project. The Evening Lions Club’s contribution of donated materials valued at $2,500, along with The recorded 272 volunteer work hours; equivalent to $5,960, brought the total project value to $8,460. Contributions provided by the Lions Club were generated solely by the Club’s fund-raising projects, which are manned by its energetic and dedicated volunteer members. This deck project will provide a safe and pleasant experience for the hundreds of park visitors who use this popular pavilion each year. For their preparation and construction efforts, the Evening Lions Club is awarded the 2012 EP Nowotny Award for Civic Organization of the Year.

This project was completed in March, 2012.

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