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Awards and Installation Banquet 2024
Our club held its annual Awards and Installation Banquet on 8 June 2024 at the Emmie Seele Faust Memorial Library. Our special guest speaker was Chris Gunstream, GAT Chair Constitutional Area 1A and PDG of District MD2-S1. Chris’s wife Lion Linda was also our special guest. We were also honored with PDG Larkin Smith, District MD2-S3,…

2015 Installation and Awards Banquet
The club held its annual Installation and Awards banquet on June 17th. 2015-2016 Year Officers PRESIDENT Grey Baker 1st V. P. Skip Nolte 2nd V P Lynn Lindsay 3rd V P Thomas Matschek Secretary Bob Miller Treasurer Jeff Kunkel Tail Twister Bob Peterson Lion…

Our Valentines Party 2015
The New Braunfels Evening Lions celebrated Valentine’s Day with a spouse night of fun, food and games, at the New Braunfels Landa Haus. Displayed were old wedding photos of members and their spouses. Lions then voted on their favorite newlyweds. Lions Michael and Georgia Wells were crowned King and Queen! Well deserved honor by this hard working…
Event Calendar 2016-2017
NBEL Charitable Donations/Projects Application
The New Braunfels Evening Lions Club strives to make contributions to worthy community organizations. This is evident by the many donations and projects the club has completed in the New Braunfels community in the last 47 years. If your organization would like to apply for a Charitable Donation or Project with the New Braunfels Evening Lions…

Texas Lions Camp Awards Night 2017
Awards night at TLC was held 4 August 2017. New Braunfels Evening Lions Club awarded 5 scholarships in honor of 5 legacy active members to camp counselors. Our honored members are Lion Lin Rose, Lion Larry Kunkel, charter member Lion Bob Hasert, charter member Carl Feltner, charter member Lion Wib Amacher. …