Awards and Installation Banquet 2024

Our club held its annual Awards and Installation Banquet on 8 June 2024 at the Emmie Seele Faust Memorial Library.   Our special guest speaker was Chris Gunstream, GAT Chair Constitutional Area 1A and PDG of District MD2-S1.  Chris’s wife Lion Linda was also our special guest.   We were also honored with PDG Larkin Smith, District MD2-S3, as our special guest.

Lion Chris spoke about LCI’s mission to increase membership to 1.5 million by 2027, MISSION 1.5.   He then conducted the ceremonies for installation of our club’s new officers and board members for the Lions year 2024-2025.

NBEL Board for 2024-25 Lion Year

Front – Terri Kunkel, David Duhon, Paul Drush, Chere Billings, Wendy Drush, Julie Strentzsch, Chris Gunstream

Back – Skip Nolte, Bob Oldham, Barry Waldie, Joe Vasquez, Glenn Herman

Among the awards presented at the banquet were a Melvin Jones Fellowship each awarded to Lion Joe Vasquez and Lion Glenn Herman.

Lion Glenn Herman, PDG Larkin Smith, Lion Joe Vasquez, GAT Chair Chris Gunstream, DG Jeff Kunkel at the presentation of Melvin Jones Fellowship award

GAT Chair Chris inducted new members to our club.

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