Club Meeting 17 July 2024

At our 17 July club meeting, our special guest speaker was District Governor Jeff Kunkel.   Jeff discussed his goals for the district clubs that included growing membership, doing service projects with community awareness, exemplifying to new members our passion to serve our community.   

Other special guests were the 1st Vice District Governor Dennis Gutierrez and 2nd Vice District Governor Diana Schaule.

DG Jeff Kunkel, 2nd VDG Diana Schaule, 1st VDG Dennis Gutierrez (L to R)

DG Jeff later introduced his guests, the Miller family.   Lakelyn was sponsored by Jeff to attend the diabetes camp at TLC this summer.   She was diagnosed with diabetes last fall.  Her mother, April, described the challenges they have faced to understand and get treatment for Lakelyn and how Jeff learned about Lakelyn and then told her about the camp.   Lakelyn had a great experience at the camp and has kept in contact with some of the other children she met there, not only becoming friends but supporting each other.

DG Jeff, Lakelyn, April, Lakelyn’s brother

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