Peace Poster Contest

The poster that our club gave 1st place has now been judged at the district 2-S3 level as 1st place.   It will be submitted for judging at the state, MD2, level.   Congratulations Teagan.

District Governor Jeff Kunkel, 2nd VP Terri Kunkel, art teacher Ms. Doll, Teagan, parents of Teagan, at our 19 February club meeting

At our 19 February club meeting, Teagan was presented with a check for $250 for winning first place in District 2S-3.

Each year Lions Club International holds a contest to promote peace in our world.  Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest.  Entries begin at the local club and progress to the district, multiple district, and finally at the international level. 

The theme of this Lions’s year contest is Peace without Limits.

“For peace to be anything more than a possibility, we need to make it a priority. This year, we’re asking our young students to create a poster that speaks to our world’s infinite potential for kindness once we commit to pursuing the idea of peace without limits.”

19 students in Ms. Doll’s art class at Spring Branch Middle School submitted posters of their artwork.   At our 16 October club meeting members of our club voted to determine a first, second, and third place winner.   Each was awarded $150, $75, and $50 respectively.

L-R: Levi, 3rd place, Mrs Doll the art teacher, Teagan, 1st place, Principal Bratton, and Giovanni, 2nd place
Art Teacher Ms. Doll showing the peace poster that we selected as the first-place winner
First place winning Peace Poster

The first-place poster will be sent to our District 2-S3 Governor to be judged by the district among other posters submitted by other clubs in the district.

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