Roy Crenwelge recognized for 40 years of Lionism
Mitzi Schomburg and Deanna Clark, teachers in the Life Bridges Transition Program at Comal ISD, with President Glenn Herman. Mitzi and Deanna presented a program about the Life Bridges Transition Program. Their mission at Life Bridges is ” to educate young adults (ages 18 to 22 years old) with disabilities to increase independence in family and community…
At our 17 July club meeting, our special guest speaker was District Governor Jeff Kunkel. Jeff discussed his goals for the district clubs that included growing membership, doing service projects with community awareness, exemplifying to new members our passion to serve our community. Other special guests were the 1st Vice District Governor Dennis Gutierrez and…
District Leadership Program
Three of the four new members joining August 19th were recruited by Lion Carl Feltner. For meeting the re-Member goal, District Governor Mike Smith awarded Lion Feltner the District Governor’s Challenge Coin.
President Larry Kunkel presents a check for $550 to Mac McDonald of American Legion Post 35 in New Braunfels. This money will be used to send two boys to Boys State this summer.